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Newbie dipping his toes in

35 year old Aussie guy here in Brisbane. Just discovering the nudie lifestyle. I went to Aquarius today but didnt go nude as I was nervous lol but would be cool to go again with some other guys.

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Favorite movies

I want see if people enjoy movies much as me I love action movies, comedies,thrillers , and some scary movies my favorite movie of all time is the warriors it's simple but well made what is your favorite movie I would love to know

nude outdoors

anyone know of a place in theniagara area where a couple can get naked and be watched or with other nude people

Looking for like minded nudists to Hangout...

Hi guys, I am from Netherlands and would love to meet few nudists and may be hangout for a cup of coffee or at a sauna here. Lets meet since things are now open here in the Netherlands

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Overly restrictive rules for groups -...

I know the moderator of a group can set their own rules and if I dont like them I dont have to join and could even create my own group. But there are some interesting groups Ive enjoyed reading and at times would like to add my two cents to (if its...

Wheelchair naturist

Hello everyone. I'm a wheelchair user and a longtime home nudist. This may seem a really weird and stupid question but are there many wheelienudiists around? I never hear about any or ever see any pictures or references about it.

Promoting nudity

Great to see the Brisbane Times, a mainstream online newspaper promoting nude destinations.


What is the best way to strike up a conversation with someone on a nude beach without coming across as creepy? How do you know if people want to be left alone or are opened to people talking to them? I'm super paranoid that I will annoy or...

Nudity not sexual group

True nudity no sexual activities involved. Maybe forming a live nude conversation group