Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

I am writing my dissertation about naturists and their habits for going on holiday, how tourism is ready for this king of travel... I really want to know what do you naturists thinks about how naturism is fits in tourism. Thank u.

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

This is a link for a questionnarie THANX FOR YOUR HELPhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cy06thJAM4Dde6J-6HIfe9lhhlnQMwX5CmKrTLcDyQk/viewform?usp=send_form

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

Have completed. Interesting to read the summary of responses to date. Where is the information intended to be used?

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

Put some detail in your profile, or stop asking questions.

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

Many people on this site do not like to respond to people with blank profiles. You are asking for a lot of help and it doesn't appear that you are even a nudist. Please be open and honest about what you are trying to accomplish and we might be willing to help you. We nudists are very happy with this life style and are always willing to promote it. Even if people are not nudists, we would hope that they would be accepting of us and our life style. Nudism is one of those things where a person has to experience it for themselves before they can truly understand it.

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

Dear naturists,
1. Thank u for your help.
2. I am not a naturist
3. I needed just a community where i can find loads of people who are actualy live their everydays like nudist.
4. My mother language is not english, so i am so sorry for my mistakes.
5. I just want to do my dissertation as good as possible about naturist and their history and their habits in tourism.
Thank you again

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

You are asking for a lot of information.. in a very short time.. most need to know you first .. to get a better idea of who you really are before getting into the social aspects of nudism..
I wish you well on your paper but like was suggested.. take your clothes off.. feel the true nature of nudism and tell us how you feel..

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

I've completed your survey - not so bad, pretty brief. You might want to ask what country someone is responding from, since attitudes on some of your questions are generally understood to differ quite a bit from country to country.
One of your questions begins "If you are not a naturist..." and requires a response, but none of the responses allows for the possibility that your responder IS a naturist: This will make the results of the question meaningless.
You might consider posting a photo on your profile - not necessarily a nude photo, as some of the forum replies have implied, but just a regular professional headshot. The site tends to be overwhelmed with voyeurs; anything to establish your reality will help.
You should be aware that websites, in general, don't fairly reflect the nudist community in several respects - most notably that the websites skew more heavily male, and that many members have no experience with social nudity. You are fairly close to naturist vacation spots. It would be good to visit, and try your questions there.

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

Give nudity a try, even if it is only alone in your own home for a few hours. If possible, do it outside too, to get some idea of what it is about, so you can have a little personal insight into it to write your paper. Some personal experience with anything can be a help when having to write up a paper on the subject at hand.Look on You Tube for a video titled, Educating Julie. It is about a young woman doing pretty much the same thing you are ding now. Try out some of the things she encounters in this documentary.

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

You should get a lot out of Educating Julie even though it was done over 30 years ago. One warning; some of the places shown are no longer as they were back then. Check out any places that you plan to visit for current conditions. Make sure that they are suitable today.

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RE: Dissertation ..........about Naturism in tourism

Interesting to read the summary of responses to date. Where is the information intended to be used?

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