Wannabe a masseur...!!!

Hello to all of the nude friends all around the world!I'm a concious nudist/naturist from Greece,who would appreciate having your help!The issue i'm asking for your help is massage ofcourse!I always adored being touched and receiving a massage and ofcourse i always loved to touch others and give massages as well!So,i have been thinking lately that i could do something more specific on that!I could be a masseur..and for being honest i'm really excited with this idea!But...the only thing i know is giving a classical amateur massage and nothing more!Nothing qualified!I don't know which are the most appropriate kinds of massage for a beginner like me!I don't know how to begin,where to go,where to find a good teacher-masseur,which are those qualifications that make a teacher-masseur the right one,etc.Beyond all that i would like to ask you for sources of informations like websites and books!
Every help is needed and i would really appreciate it!Thank you!Love from Greece!

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RE: Wannabe a masseur...!!!

Greetings Primitiveme,
We to become a professional Massage therapist I would suggest you find a school in your country that teaches it and meet or perferably exceeds your country's and or local minimum requirements to be a professional therapist. If schooling is not available in your area then I suggest you learn about the body to do that see the following links below for some help in learning and getting books to help you. The web siteMassage Nerdis a wealth of information also he has several videos on Youtube that you can see that give good demonstration of massage techniques, also there are other good videos that show tutorials on massage techniques. It is also best that you have an understanding of physiology, pathology, the structure of the body Massage Nerd is just one site of many on the web that can help on this. A great book for understanding and learning the muscles isTrail Guide to the Bodyfind other books that teach you about the body and pathologies. YOu need to know about pathology as you will need to know when it is safe to give someone a massage or not. As for another site for teaching some techniques you may want to check outMassage Technique Librarythis will also help as well as watching the videos on youtube and if you can order some as well to build a libray. Some styles you can look into areEsalen MassageandForearm Dancethese styles will help to not only save your hands but also help set you apart from other therapist.

I hope all this helps. Goodluck

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Wannabe a masseur...!!!

Thank you so much Lion!I really appreciate it!I have been searching lately for infos and you just gave me more stuff to study.I'll be back with more questions and i will keep you informed for my progress in my project!Thanks again.

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RE: Wannabe a masseur...!!!

Your very welcome, the best massage therapist are well educated.

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