Hello Everyone

Hi everyone, Hope all of you are having a great day. Been really hot here, Summer is definitly here. Been busy here on the farm but have been enjoying alot of nude time also. Our new neighbors are also nudist and we have been together a few times when we can. They have a swimming pool and we have a hot tub so we switch back and forth between the two. We are going to install a gate between our two properties so making foing to each others house a lot easier for us. So things have been good here. How is everyone else doing? Tel us what you have been up to lately. I also want to wish all the fathers out there a safe and happy fathers day. Ya'll take care and lets us know what is going on with you.

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RE: Hello Everyone

That's great that you have nudist neighbors! Our pool/back porch is private enough that most of the time I don't think twice about being nude out there.

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