
There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. - George Sand

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Really like your topic's and there saying's. Your post and your group,Be Kind To Others speaks to me the person you must be. Someone with a GOOD HEART. Take care and thanks again keep up the good work. You will have stars in your crown when u get to the HEAVENLY HOME.

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We heard and read a lot about happiness quotes according to other people opinions. This morning I meditated about what to be happy is or what happiness is all about. Some people said, think and meditate about happiness for 15 minutes every morning and you will be happy for the rest of the day. Is it true? But the real question is what should I think about happiness. Should I memorize the happiness quotes from other people or my own happiness in my life?

If I memorize the quotes like I was preparing for the exam, I will forget the minutes the exam passed. I can only study and remember what I learned for the exam usually just for one day because I studied the night before the exam :-( That's because I used my short term and quick memory instead of my long term memory. How can I use my long term memory and really feel happy in life? Is happiness about memorizing or experiencing?

I think the only state you can be happy in your life is if you really can define what happiness is and experience it in your own life, not what others said. But if based on experience, how about people who never feel happy in life. Would they never be happy for the rest of their lives because they have no idea what happiness is all about. Is it similar to a rich person who never feels hunger since born and was asked what hunger is.

So please write what happiness is for you or when you felt joy or where you felt stress free. Knowing this will help you and others to be happy in your life according to your opinion.

Is happiness restricted to time, place or your inner thought?

To do this, there are two ways. First,think about your past when you were happy. Second, think about the future state when you will be happy.


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I don't believe in pursuing happiness; it is too fleeting. Happy comes from middle English word hap, good fortune or good luck; content comes from Latin contentus, eg contained or satisfied. In other words, happiness is about isolated events. Contentedness is about the big picture. I seek to be content.

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