South Padre Island

We spent a great week on the island fishing nude with and without friends. Caught shark, reds, whitings, pompano, stingrays and hardheads. Had a blast.

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RE:South Padre Island

We spent a great week on the island fishing nude with and without friends. Caught shark, reds, whitings, pompano, stingrays and hardheads. Had a blast.

Catch and release, pack um up to eat um or cut some up to catch bigger fish!?

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RE:South Padre Island

Nice beach, we go down there at least once a year.

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RE:South Padre Island

We love it there. We go at the end of September every year. Winter Texans haven't really arrived yet and everyone's kids are back in school. We have gone hours before without a vehicle passing by.

Depends Andy, when our friends are with us they're fileted and put in the cooler. When it's just the two of us it's catch and release.

As for pics I really hadn't thought of posting any here. Guess we could. I'll have to check. I think most of the fish pics are on our phones.

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RE:South Padre Island

I tried adding pics to the group. Only 2 made it. The others show no media. Anyone know why this would happen?

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RE:South Padre Island

That sounds great! We haven't had a chance to go nude fishing this year (our friend with a boat is out of State all year). One of your pictures was of a Barred Drum.

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