I love being nude in the rain

My house is surrounded with woods so If there is a day that its raining, and im alone, im can usually be found outside butt naked in the rain and its pure heaven

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RE:I love being nude in the rain

Man, that sounds awesome!
I love swimming in the ocean at a nude beach in the rain. It is unimaginable bliss!
Hiking nude in the rain is my next assignment lol

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RE:I love being nude in the rain

this is the first rain in Pnx. Az. US in over 6 months . I came out side at 3:00am to see.I just had to walk around , the feeling of the rain touching your skin. WOW an knowing that you are not covered by tex. Oh my!

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RE:I love being nude in the rain

I just have to say Thank you to be able to share with like minded people, what happens. What a morning I did not want to go back in the house to hide from textile world. What a shame people are so ______ what the word for it is? Enjoy the weekend to other like minded, free people.

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RE:I love being nude in the rain

It would be so cool if you were aroundincoln city

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RE:I love being nude in the rain

I would love to go with you.

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