let me start by saying i do not qualify to belong to the VFW. After the way i and others that did not get orders to battle zones have been looked down on, disrespected and me-lined by the VFW and many members , I would not join it if i was eligible. Shame full to let them split the ranks of the veterans that way. Personally i believe the American Legion should speak for all veterans not the vfw . If must be a seperate group for them let it be UNDER the American Legion as a Sub group to the All inclusive Organization,, We all got our orders the same way, we all served where we were sent , After the fact no vet is better than any other , VFW is out of line , !

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I don't feel I received any bad attitude from either VFW or the Legion. Both turned me down (about 20 years ago) though for not having the proper/required service record. The local VFW shut down 10 years ago for lack of membership, a little to picky maybe ;-)

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hello all, FYI as a young Marine returning for 2 tours in the Nam, it was 1970 and almost everyone hated the military,
The local VFW in my home town, treated us young vets like crap and after several times ran is out , lots of F'd up
comments about us being baby killers and cry babies, I am a proud member of the Legion and have always been treated
with respect
Hope the VFW goes out of business, the rat bastard organization !
Just saying !
Tony , Semper Fi my brothers!!

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