Revelations, dreams, wisdom, bible passages, inspirational quotes

Hey guys, I wanted to create a topic where anyone is free to share with others anything that you feel the Lord spoke to you in a powerful way. This can be anything from powerful quotes from religious leaders, bible passages that spoke to you recently, to things like dreams, short stories, testimonies, to even visions. Also, it doesn't matter whether it has anything to the naturist lifestyle or not.

All I ask is that you only post something if you think it will help others grow in their maturity in Christ (think fruits of the spirit). Also, no derogatory remarks, accusations, or theological debates.

Recently I had been given a fresh revelation regarding spiritual warfare. For anyone struggling with any sin, or dealing with spiritual warfare/attacks, Take a look a David as a role model, specifically during his journey towards becoming king of Israel. Every time before David and his army went to battle, he first asked the Lord if he should go into that battle. Then as soon as the Lord told him to "Go, you will be victorious", Daniel went to war being careful to stick to the Lord's commands for that battle, and every single time He was victorious. That same thing can be true for us in our own struggles. Just simply pray and wait on the Lord to guide us on His terms instead of trying to do it ourselves, and we too can be victorious.

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RE:Revelations, dreams, wisdom, bible passages, inspirational quotes

It occurred to me recently: You know the rage you feel towards computers and other devices when they don't work the way you want them to? In some ways it is like the way God's wrath is portrayed. "Our kind created their kind! How dare they not do our bidding?"

An impulsive person might act on their rage and take punitive action against the recalcitrant computer. But a wise person can step back and understand that 1) any punitive action against an electronic device will only damage or destroy it and accomplish nothing; and 2) it is acting to the utmost of its understanding of what we want. So instead of wrath, the wise computer user will attempt to troubleshoot and provide what the computer needs.

God is wise, not impulsive. I think that our ideas about God's wrath have been corrupted by carnal, power-oriented people.

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RE:Revelations, dreams, wisdom, bible passages, inspirational quotes

That's a great testimony. It's amazing how Holy Spirit's able to put you into a feeling of supernatural peace, even in the midst of difficult life situations when you let Him into that area of your life.

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RE:Revelations, dreams, wisdom, bible passages, inspirational quotes

I've always really desired to serve the Lord with everything I have. Kept up trying to develop character, spending time in his word as often as I could manage to, also reading the inspiring books on the life of Christ and His teachings. The books Desire of Ages and Christ's object lessons being of particular interest and reading them repeatedly. On occasion I've received a brief message of instruction or guidance that I knew was from the Holy Spirit. Like a persistent bible verse pumping into my mind strongly that I had not read for a long time, so strong it hit me as an obvious divine impression. One time after some diligent prayer for guidance in life, an early morning event just as I was waking up was so powerful as to overwhelm my mind with power. Jesus showed me His JOY, a massive powerful overwhelming mind overloading JOY that was so powerful it made all earthly pleasures seems like they were down under the dust somewhere. A joy driven by His great love. The Joy He will experience to have us with Him in paradise for all eternity, the joy we will share with Him as we lead others to Him and they are saved. It was a marvellously thrilling feeling to experience it. After a couple days the feeling wore off but the knowledge of how great His Joy is will stay with me. That was around 15 years ago.

Now for over 30 years I fought against and prayed for victory over a lust issue that seemed totally impossible to defeat. Finally got so frustrated with it's persistence I realized I was never going to defeat it, He was going to have to cleanse my mind, I started asking Him for a miracle to clean up my lust riddled mind and that's when he identified how it got programmed in as a child, (from being clothed all the time and never seeing another nude person, which is how my dedicated mother thought to protect me from developing lust issues) and how to recondition my mind to alleviate it. (Just go naked a lot and ignore myself, that reprograms the subconscious lust generating carnal nature to ignore it also and lust fades away) Plus the Holy Spirit finished the job and my mind has been totally cleared now. That started some 10 years ago.

Now the most recent strong impression which I have to conclude came from my Lord, was Jan 1, the impression revealing my future work for Him. I was flabbergasted and overwhelmed for a awhile. Although it's what I half suspected already. Just the confirmation of it was kind of overwhelming at first. But it's really something totally outside my comfort zone and outside my natural talent list. But something too important to ignore or discredit. I'm an agriculturalist and a shop guy. Born shy as anyone ever was, not an outgoing people person but rather avoid crowds and couldn't hardly speak to anyone because words come slow. To be a pastor in God's end time church, organized by the Holy Spirit, not by man. All it's pastors trained by God, ordained by God, not by any man or religious organization. That's just beyond me. My first thought is; I can't preach. last thing in the world I could ever do. My brain is all 3D mechanical, picture brained in the extreme. I can create in my mind 3D designs of machines or devices and build them in my shop, but words come way too slow. If I ever preach it will be the Holy Spirit speaking for sure. But that can happen. In any case all I need to do is finish cleaning up my own life, seek that likeness to Him that he wants to see in us. And let Him do the appointment and hand out the skills needed. I will not seek self promotion, just can't do it, it's not part of my makeup, I'ma hang back in the shadows type, don't like to be seen or heard any more than necessary.

Now I should mention something the Lord has revealed, and my take on it. Over 100 years ago God gave a certain woman named Ellen White (the author of those books on the life and teachings of Christ, and many more books) a vision of a horrendous disaster, a judgement directly from God, that would at some time come on the cities of our land. She mentioned two cities in particular that were shown her, otherwise many in general. nashville TN and NY city were the two named. my hunch is that nashville will be first hit, and it will happen on top the most wicked event the city hosts in the year. this year that event is scheduled for June 25. And world events are such that it feels like the time is ripe for the judgements of God to start falling. And so I will go so far as to predict that IF God sees that the evil has gone too far, and If He decides to put a check on it this year, that date would be the most likely time it would happen. I just keep praying that He will see to it that no person be lost who can possibly be saved, and that He'll see to it that all who are on the fence so to speak have plenty of warning to make their decisions. I can hope He will see fit to delay His wrath on iniquity some more, but when it's time to put a check on sodom, it will happen hard and fast.

But that's not the only source. A Romanian Pentecostal pastor who got kicked out of Romania for his bible smuggling, Dimitri Dudamon. was given dreams, in one of which he was taking by an angel as if flying over the USA, the angel pointed out several of the large cities and said "Sodom and Gomorrah, one day they will burn" That was some 25-30 years ago. Now I know what will happen in general after that tremendous disaster from God on the national iniquity. based on bible prophecy and other sources put together. There will be a massive reform movement that will be wonderful for the most part, but in the middle of it the mark of the beast will be enforced by public demand, thinking to please God by practically forcing everyone to observe God's law. (but mistakenly it will be the beast's version of God's law instead of the version written on stone by His own finger. But enough for now.

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