April Monthly Gathering....30 April 2022

OK Spa lovers and those interested but have never tried one, let's plan on meeting on Saturday, April 30 for a day of naked fun, relaxation and possibly chaos. Given recent activity, I would suggest getting there early since afternoons can be overwhelmingly crowded. It's pretty obvious a lot of people are tired of being at home and are ready to mingle and socialize again, so why not do it the best way possible? BillybareUSA, where are you brother? Drop a note below if you can join us this month, and invite your friends! We can do lunch as a group (or small groups), share scrubs, chit chat and just enjoy the day. If you're driving long distance, find a carpool buddy or two, share a room for the night so you're not exhausted driving home. Make an adventure of it. Let's hear you!

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RE:April Monthly Gathering....30 April 2022

Ill be in DC so count me in. A little nervous first timer.

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RE:April Monthly Gathering....30 April 2022

Ill be in DC so count me in. A little nervous first timer.

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RE:April Monthly Gathering....30 April 2022

Thank you brother Bulletisback for posting this months monthly Spa World gatherings. We had traditionally done it the last Saturday of each month but not always. We do need to shake of the dust and get back to this Korean spa. Spa World is a great place to enjoy the old traditional communal bathing. Spa World does give out a spa uniform to wear outside of the bathhouse/ locker room to enjoy the restaurant there at the spa. I have found it to be a great time to gather as a group to enjoy a meal together exchange phone numbers take pictures as a group etc. A day filled with good camaraderie which most of us have not been experiencing since the pandemic. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this months gathering but please go and connect with other true nudist face to face.

Thank you again Bulletisback for posting and encouraging others to experience what the Korean spa is all about as well as getting others to connect and be a part of the camaraderie there at Spa World.

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RE:April Monthly Gathering....30 April 2022

Love to join you. I'm in Charleston, SC, so I will need to get a room if I can make it. Thanks for the info.

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RE:April Monthly Gathering....30 April 2022

I hope we get a good turnout. Should be there by 10:30 am to get a good warm soaking before lunch.

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RE:April Monthly Gathering....30 April 2022

Nothing to be nervous about. Everyone is cool and i guarantee you will feel instantly relaxed. Food is great too. Look for a green wrist bands and say hello. Its helpful if you have some kind of colored band to identify.


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RE:April Monthly Gathering....30 April 2022

I'm hoping to be there. It will have to be a last-minute thing for me if so.

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