Art posing

I was recently asked to pose for a figure drawing class. A nudist friend is the organizer, and he told me about it at a nude party. I agreed to hear more and consider it, and he said he'd keep me posted.

A couple weeks later, he told me about an opening about a month out and gave me some basic details. It would be a group of mostly gay men taking the hobby drawing class. A number are nudists, as well, so it is allowed for artists to be nude too. I agreed and we were in the books.

The day of the class, I was asked to show up 15 minutes early to get acquainted and prepared. When I showed up, I was introduced to another model, Leo, who would pose with me. I was asked if I had any boundaries or questions. Then the two of us stripped and started a 3-hour session, with various different self-determined poses together. And two breaks.

In the course of the class, no one else disrobed, and there was one woman and about a dozen men. We were asked to take some suggestively erotic positions and some platonic, as we felt comfortable. At then end, we were paid by each artist for our time, and asked if we were interested in doing it again. Now waiting for the next call...

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RE:Art posing

I think I know which group you're talking about and will have to attend the next event!

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RE:Art posing

I'd like to know which event and where both as an artist as well as a potential model.

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RE:Art posing

I would be interested in learning more both as a model and a participant

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RE:Art posing

ive been looking to model nude and also learn how to draw the male figure. count me in please

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