Workout routines

Today's workout started with 50 kettlebell swings the double kettlebells variety. Then did 3 set 10 rep kettlebell sequence of alternate arm march, double arm gorilla row, tricep press, dead lift , twist march and compound goblet squat and bicep curl.

Finished off with 10 minute cardio sprint ride.

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RE:Workout routines

Todays workout was 50 kettlebell swings and a 20 min 1.5 mile interval walk/run for cardio. Thought about doing some upper body but decided not.

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RE:Workout routines

Today's workout was abbreviated as I had early morning appointment.
40 kettlebell swings single alternating arms, then 2 sets of 12 reps Alternating overheard arms march, double kettlebell deadline, double kettlebel gorilla rows, around the world, overhead march bicep curls and halo. Cardio later most likely a ride.

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RE:Workout routines

Today's workout
50 kettlebell swings double kettlebell.
3 sets 12 reps
Alternating gorilla rows
Double kettlebell shoulder press
Double kettlebell deadlift
Twisting march one side at a time
Alternating leg twist
Overhead Alternating leg march and press
Kettlebell squat to shoulder press

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RE:Workout routines

Started with my standard 50 kettlebell swings not concerns in my back today. But I took time to warm up so maybe that did or my form getting better. Today's swing variation was one arm alternating.

Added some new kettlebell moves I found online to my workout today. Dont know what the proper name of the first two are. Did two sets of 12-16 reps.
One legged dead lift x12
Diagonal deadlift x16
Double kettlebell alternating gorilla row x12
Overhead march one side at a time x16
Tricep press x16
Bicep press x16

Rest day tomorrow

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RE:Workout routines

Rest day today no workouts or cardio just some yoga later. Recognize my bodies definitely needs the rest.

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RE:Workout routines

Workout today was kettlebell core and arms by way of a couple compound (complex?) movements. As always started with 50 kettlebell swings went up in weight to 25 lbs from 15lbs. Then two sets of 16 reps for the following
Alternate side overhead single arm march 10lbs
Same side overhead single arm march 10lbs
Russian dead life 25 lbs
Overhead march 25 lbs
Twisting march 25lbs
Shoulderpress march

Tommorow I think I will mix it up with Budd bells and barbell work on bench for arms. Dumbbells are not my favorite but I think switching it up will hopefully avoid plateau.

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RE:Workout routines

I had planned to switch to barbells and dumbbells for strength workout today but I found a couple new kettlebell routines and decided to try them instead. Oh boy they really gave me a workout especially in my arms but core as well. After the 50 kettlebell swings with 33lb kettlebell in the morning after my workday I did the follow in 2 sets with 12-16 reps. All kneeling

Kettlebell twist 16
Halo 16
Alternating shoulder press 16
Bicep curl 16
Halo side twist 12
Kettlebell chop 12

Everything but the shoulder press was a single 33lb kettlebell.
Let me know if you find these routines interesting in comments and share your own

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RE:Workout routines

Today's workout was combination of standing and kneeling kettlebells routines starting with 50 American kettlebell swings alternating arms. Followed by two sets of 16 reps of below

overhead kettlebell march 33lb
Around the world
Figure 8s

Bicep curls
Kettlebell chops
Halo twists 15lbs
Alternating shoulder press 10lbs

Whats your strength building or cardio fitness routine?

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RE:Workout routines

One more day with kettlebell workout
50 kettlebell swings as always to start
Two set 16 reps
Alternating double kettlebell gorilla row 10lb
Alternating kettlebell overhead press march 10lb
Kettlebell tricep curl 30lb
R Deadlift 30lb
Standing kettlebell twist
Shoulderpress march
Teeter totter left
Teeter totter right

Tomorrow is a cardio day

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RE:Workout routines

50 kettlebell swings yesterday followed by 10 minutes on the stepper for cardio. Low key the rest of the day.

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