Had PA since 1984

In the fall of 1983, I was in Los Angeles, went with my lover of the time, to the Gauntlet in Hollywood for him to get a PA, that he wanted. The store had been closed for about an hour. We were staying in San Diego and were heading back to the Seattle area the next morning, so he didn't get it done. We were back a year later on vacation, so headed to the shop early in the morning. While he was reading the paperwork, the clerk asked me what I wanted to have done. I hadn't planned on having anything, but suddenly knew I had to have a PA. When I was about 15, I found my Dads stash of porn in the garage and in one of pics, was of one on a guy with a Prince Albert. At the time (1964), I didn't know what that was, etc. So, thanks to the public library and stealth looking in obscure books on odd subjects, I learned about tattoos generically and then obscure rites of passage with piercing, and then the whole era of Prince Albert and how a tribal ritual moved into society. So, in the 5 seconds that I took to answer the clerks question, I thought about all that I had learned, and said yes. I signed the paperwork, and ended up having mine done first. From the minute I saw it in my dick standing in front of the mirror, I loved it. I have gone on to have many more piercings, but my PA has been my favorite. Learning how keep it clean, how to pee, how to have sex, how not to get it caught in clothes..all funny stories, etc. My nickname is Jingles throughout the nude clubs in my area cause when I wear circle rings, they all click and make noise. Started one xmas when at a swim, one of the ladies heard the noise and started singing Jingle Bells...and the name stuck.

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RE: Had PA since 1984

GAUNTLET for me in l987 and hooked ever since-- in l9890 back therea dn got 6 on one day-- Now up to 30 below the4 belt ones--Pete Morrision did them assisted by now famous Angel (Levine)-- boy did she get famous00 Forgot who did first one- the pa would recognize his name-- JIM WARD-- just remembered I think it was- Best

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