RE:Where to take a 1st timer for a pool swim & sun?

cheers and enjoy's the only one we

Amen to that.

Well, things have been going well since her first outing a few months ago. The problem I have no is that she's ALWAYS wanting to go and I don't have that much time, lol! The fear of being seen has faded a lot.

Thanks for your advice everyone.

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RE:Where to take a 1st timer for a pool swim & sun?

That's funny. It's always the way; once you've got over that first hurdle and realise it doesn't really matter that people are seeing you nude because they are nude too. Then you just want more of it.

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RE:Where to take a 1st timer for a pool swim & sun?

Yes Kiata CC is an awesome place. Haven't been there in years. Was last there for Xmas/NY 09/10 for KFest :)
There are a few venues where people live onsite. Many venues are fairly quiet on weekdays also, which is the best time to take a first time lady who is rather shy (otherwise anytime is a good time).

The "being seen" issue will eventually become a non-issue. When I lived in Brisbane, I worked for Fed Govt. and was going to local beaches, clubs and venues there. I thought about the situation logically and deduced that anyone I meet at these places were either a genuine nudist like myself or a pervert. So taking this perception into account, I allowed myself to be photographed at various events and be published in our national magazine - TAN (and previously A SandH as well, before it ceased being published last year).

Please remember to take baby steps with your ladies and most will come around in their own time. If you push, many will back away. Look at purchasing a nudist magazine or three and leave it lying on the bed for her to see. Try leaving it open to an article that talks about somewhere or something you're both interested in. Suggest you read that article too. Hopefully your partner will be curious enough to read it, to see why you're so interested in social nudism.

I strongly believe that venues are the MOST suitable place for first time ladies, as you're introducing them to pure nudism, without some of those nudist who go to the beach and call themselves nudist because they're happy to be naked at the beach, but also are exhibitionists and like to perform in front of an audience 'on the beach'. Many are getting very blatant now. They also approach couples and singles, which isn't good. At some of our nude beaches there have also been people attacked (I kid you not).
Yes sex on the beach is fun... BUT to help stop confusion that nudism has nothing to do with sex, this type of beach nudist is NOT helping nudists get accepted in the general population. So I'm against sex on our nude beaches for THIS reason.
I only go to our beaches now, when there's either an event happening (eg a beach carnival, cricket match etc.) or meet up with a group of friends (which I do normally once a month).

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