RE:what makes become a nudist

It has been part of my genes. Even as young as 5 years, I would walk naked in my room ( away from the eyes of parents, of course). I enjoy the feel of air on my bare body. I have often slept nude. And now i do so with my partner.

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RE:what makes become a nudist

From my wife's perspective about me, she says ''you are not concerned about body image''. Is that why I am a nudist, lack of concern about how I appear to others? Well, from my perspective it's more like why be any other way? Is it idea, I'm not a scientist. I only know how freeing and inspiring it is to feel the air on all parts of my body. How in tune I become to my environment when I go unclothed. Being a creative type (artist) might also have something to do with it. I don't know if I paint better paintings naked but I expect not. But boy does it feel great to paint nude.

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RE:what makes become a nudist

For me it started by me sleeping nude one night felt great I was 8 or so , then I tryed running around nude in the woods near my house I was hooked

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RE:what makes become a nudist

For me it is the feeling of freedom that nudity gives. I'm more flexible in movement.

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RE:what makes become a nudist

For me it is the feeling of freedom that nudity gives. I'm more flexible in movement.

I notice that particularly when cleaning the tiled floors.

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RE:what makes become a nudist

For me it's simply that great feeling of nothing being around your body where most times it is covered.

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RE:what makes become a nudist

I didn't become a hudist. I was born that way. ;)

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