A Good Day

I do not post all that often primarily because there is nothing new going on so forgive me for posting this in more than one area.

Due to financial and time constraints I am not a member of the local non landed club so most of my nude activities are what I do as part of my everyday life

When I get up in the morning I go out and get the paper from the front yard nude.
I drive to and from work nude every week day.
Anytime I am going more than a couple of miles I will be driving nude.
Weather and time permitting I go for a nude hike up by Lake Castaic.
Once or twice a year I will get to Black's Beach.

The other day (2/9/2017) there were a couple of things that made the day more memorable.

Normally when I get the paper no one is out and there is no traffic going by. Occasionally there will be a car go buy but I am never sure if they see me or not.
This day was also trash day so the bins were out by the curb in the street. When I picked up the paper I decided to push it a little and removed the plastic bag from the paper and walked out to the street to put it in the recycling bin. Just as I started out, a car came down the street. Instead of turning around, I continued out to the bin. Well it turned out the car was going to a house just a few doors down and he wound up having to park in front of our house. I simply continued with what I was doing so it was obvious that being seen nude was no big deal for me.

After work in Simi Valley, I had to make a deliver to a customers shop in Santa Clarita. It is a good 45 minute drive so naturally I am nude. I have a key to his place so when I make these after hour deliveries I normally stay nude.
He has been a good customer for many years and knows that I am a nudist but I have always put on at least a pair of shorts if he is at the shop.
This time I had to call him while I was driving just to make sure he wanted it at the shop and not the job site. He told me to bring it to the shop and that he would still be there working late. I responded with does that mean I have to get dressed when I get there and to my surprise he said no I did not need to.
Now he does like to joke about me being nude so I am not sure if he really expected me to show up like that but I figured a chance like this may not come again, so I decided to just go for it.
There was a moment of hesitation when I got there because their were other people working late in a near by unit, but by this time I was so comfortable being nude that I simply did not care who saw me.
I did park close to his bay door though, just to minimize the time I was in their line of site.
He was working at the back of the shop when I got there and for the most part continued working but did come up to check on a couple of items and we talked for a few minutes.

Not having any close nudist friends I do not get that many opportunities to interact with people while I am nude so this made for a very good day.

I know there are others in similar situations as mine. Don't be like me and hesitate to post about even the little things you do nude, you never know what may help someone else to try doing the same kind of things.

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