September Naturist Events in Ireland

2. Sunday September 3rd Noon, The Great Irish Skinny Dip, Sallymount Beach Co. Wicklow

3. Sunday September 3rd 6.15 pm, Wicklow Leisure Centre, Free for INA members, Booking required and can be done here:

4. Monday September 11th, Day Trip to Zuiver, FR3100 Dublin 6.35-Amsterdam 9.15 FR3007 Amsterdam 22.05-Dublin 22.45, Anyone interested should book their own flights and then contact Leticia so a group discount can be obtained

5. Saturday September 16th, Kilcoran Lodge Hotel Cahir Co. Tipperary, Free for INA members, Booking required and can be done here:, Meeting at Kilcoran Lodge prior to the swim from 6.30 pm

6. Tuesday September 19th 11 am, Nude Hike, Kilanerin Co. Wexford, Contact Leticia for further details

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