Garden of Eden

I suspect that I am not the only one to notice that nude/shame only became an issue after eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

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RE:Garden of Eden

I often try to imagine if that fateful moment never happened. How would society have developed with no clothing and no sin. Just being fruitful and multiplying. How the world would have progressed over thousands of years. And all of us living, not dying. It's hard to fathom sometimes. I'm sure it would truly have been an amazing place.
God designed it, it would have been perfect!

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RE:Garden of Eden

I suspect that I am not the only one to notice that nude/shame only became an issue after eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Just an opinion, but I think we would have had all of our needs taken care of by God. Food would grow in abundance. We could eat freely from any plant and not have to kill animals. We would not have to have a job since money would not exist. We would free to explore the land, go where we wants, have sex joyfully without shame and basically enjoy each other in peace and contentment.

I guess part of my inspiration comes from the movie The Time Machine with Rod Taylor. We would have a Utopian society like the Eloi in the movie, but without the evil Morlocks. I know it all sounds a bit Star Trek-ish, but since we can't change history or go into the future its just a thought and theory of mine.

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RE:Garden of Eden

I like your theories calaforniacoast.

We would of still had freewill. I wonder if we would have still sinned and just would not have known it.

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RE:Garden of Eden

I have always given this topic my utmost attention. God does thing for reasons we will never be able to understand. That being said after we are the apple Adam and Eve we're ashamed of their nakedness. Also a trick of the evil one that he planted. I will never be ashamed of being created in Gods image. Our bodies are beautiful works of art from our creator. To hide is to listen to the evil one but I do agree that those in power used that terminology to gain control over society. I'm not really a rebel at heart but I don't agree with others controlling what doesn't hurt us. Being nude doesn't hurt anyone. It makes the body and our minds feel better. I don't really desire a utopian society. I do like having some rules. The police, firefighters, are great examples. I think it's grossly unfair. That a woman can be seen outside naked and nobody takes offense but if a man goes out he is branded a pretitor and given sexual chargers that haunt for life. Even when he means no sexual intent. There needs to be advance in how nudists are portrayed and treated and only be standing up for our rights and educating society will we ever have a chance. Thanks for listening to my thoughts

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RE:Garden of Eden

I love that movie! Great to hear you reference it.

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RE:Garden of Eden

A man told me once while we were sitting naked in a pool, that America was founded by a religious cult. A cult that had to flee Europe to be free to practice their religion. Our constitution and some of our laws are still based on their views. It was/ is thought that the site of a naked woman would make a man lust after her and he does not have the will power to resist her and that she has to cover herself completely to keep men from lusting.

I think that if you deny people they crave what they have been denied. If we were all nude all the time then we would not lust after skin because it is normal. It has taken me a lot of years to separate nudity from sex and can only wish that I would have sooner.

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RE:Garden of Eden

I believe theroughly in my Creator, looking at nature, especially life, just one living cell. And trying to say it came about by chance, is like saying a stelth fighter aircraft resulted from a junkyard explosion. Dig the technology of it, its just that complicated and obviously a well thought out plan. Corrupted by sin, but still remnants of the original plan are still visible. But anyway. Adam and Eve experienced shame as the result of sin. And they became aware of their nudity at the same time because their body energy field suddenly dimished grestly. Since both happened together they got connected. When they were actually 2 seperate things. So shame was actually misdirected as applied to thier own body condition. It was caused by, and should have been aimed at their disobedience of Gods explicit command. But the enemy has an agenda to push sin on everyone, and the prevailing attitudes against nudity play right into the devils plan of first making nudity scarce, and then making it all sex and lust connected. If everyone saw nude bodies ebery day as part of ordinary life, it would mostly cancel out the lust problem our society suffers from. So it is that pofessed christians help the devil out in his lust propaganda campain by fighting feedom of nude living, when all the time they think they fight a righetous cause. What a trick has been played on our society!

But now if sin hadnt happened, we would have a world filled with naked gardeners, everyone creating their own version of the original garden, and as population needed, the nearby planits would be made inhabitable by the Creator and filled as well. Flying around in space would be easy as breathing. Since that original energy field served as space suit, diving suit, propulsion suit. Anything it needed to be. All opetating on currently known technology, but only the Creator can build it into an invisible energy field around a living person.

In accordance with Gods law, everyone would marry and have sex with their own spouse, no one would ever think of doing anything different. When we'r in harmony with God our greatest desire is to obey his law, and to reflect His character to others. Sin becomes hateful to us.

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RE:Garden of Eden

Check out the hydro plate theory by Walt Brown. His book is very interesting. No evolutionist dares debate the subject with him. Real science is all on the side of creation and a world wide flood.
I have lots of help with my theories. A man has been given dreams extensivly and shown exactally what will happen between now and the time of restoration, lots of very interesting descriptions he gives of what hes been shown. A lot of terrible disasters, but modified with views of the wonderful things to follow. The body energy field is just one little point of interest. Located at formypeople. org

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RE:Garden of Eden

I have often thought that over the centuries forces that wanted their rules followed inturpeted the thoughts they wanted. Not just pure translations. I don't know of any society that did not try to subvert the original version from what they read to what they interpreted it to be. I would have like to read the original transcripts of each book of the Bible from author to get the pure form I wish we had today. I can only try in my own mind to envision the way our God intended us to live. I am not embarrassed to be seen in the image of my creator. That is the work of the great liar to control us. I believe God gave us free will so we could choose to love him or turn away. I choose to love my God and honor him by not being embarrassed!

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RE:Garden of Eden

As for their long lives before the flood. The environment was still not too far degraded from Eden. While it did take more work to work the soil. There would still have been an abundance. And I have a sneakin suspicion they didn't cook much prior to the flood either. And they didn't eat animals, at least the line of those who stayed faithful to God. After the flood God gave permission to eat certain animals. since vegetation had all been destroyed and it would take awhile to regrow. But see what happened to the lifespans. The first of Shem's descendants who outlived him was Abraham. Shem died when Abraham was 150, 9th generation from Shem. Very rapid decline in ages.

But now for years I've heard of the benefits of raw food, but not just any raw food. It needs to be nutrient dense, (combination of organic grown and heavily mineralized, a lot of organic growers are ignoring the minerals just as conventional agriculture ignores them) Some hints as to what it can do I have gleaned from various places. One man lived to 132 and died of an accident. Another man lived to 152 and died when his diet changed. And finally I found info on one man who lived to 256. ( And he supposedly knew a man when he was young who was 500 years old. ) All of them within the last 300 years. The 256 year man lived from 1677 to 1933. And then an indication of how much energy and endurance the original diet can give, is evidenced by an Australian man who ran 100 miles per day for several days in a row, on only 500 calories per day of raw food. It seems to deliver much more energy that the calorie count can account for. I've hear that our muscles operate far more efficiently on raw vegan diet than on cooked food. No toxic byproducts that have to be discarded by the body. And that tells me that diet is what our Creator designed our bodies to run on.
However because of the low quality, and low flavor, we can't do it on conventionally grown produce. It would seem like an impoverished and not so appetizing diet, and it would be. So I gotta grow it. and grow it right.

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