A warning for those that love naked time in OBX

Just want to let everyone know that loves the OBX and loves naked time on the beach in the areas between Oregon Inlet and Rodanthe, there is a new US Fish and Wildlife officer that has been there about a year and he is out to ruin your day. And before you say it, yes i know it is illegal. Yesterday, with nobody within about 1 mile of me, i was sitting in my beach chair sunning myself and enjoying the usaual emptyness of the beach i have frequented for the past 10 years. Was a beautiful day but a bit windy. I always set up near the water as it is the farthest point from the dune so if someone does happen to walk over i have time to cover up until i know they are there for naked time too and i have a good view north and south so I can cover up for anyone out for long walks or the bird and turtle folks on ATVs. Well, I stood up to put shorts on and pack up to leave. As i was finishing up, i looked up and see this officer approaching me from the dune line. "Well, Shit!" I thought. He chated for a second and informed me that he had seen me naked when i stood up to put my shorts on from the top of a dune. He informed me that they have a zero toloerance policy on nude sunbathing so needless to say, i did not get off with a warning for my first offence. We walked back to my vehicle so i could provide him with my ID and he wrote me a $180 ticket. ($150 fine $30 court fee). Its not gonna stop me but i am going to have to be more careful after this. About 10 years and i have had no issues until now. The vehicles thay are driving are dark gray, unmarked chevy pickups with black brush guards and a winch on the front and blacked out windows.
Be aware and be on the lookout. They are on patrol and watching from the tops of the dunes.

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