At what age did the innocence become, not so innocent.

I love the purpose of this group. I think there is still a pure innocence to nudity no matter what age you are but, it seems that we reached an age and society flipped their opinions and when we reached a certain age, the innocence of nudity no long applied to you, it became sexual.

It's great to be a part of a group where we can hopefully regain some of this innocence of nudity, even if it's just here in this group and it's gallery.

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RE:At what age did the innocence become, not so innocent.

Having been raised in a similar environment as yours, I felt it would be healthy to raise my children in a more liberating environment.
Unfortunately, my ex didn't feel the same way so it never came to be.
I wish now I had pushed the issue.
40 years later, they all know about my lifestyle but I don't think they are willing to venture in themselves.
I hope some day they will give it a try and experience the freedom as we do.

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RE:At what age did the innocence become, not so innocent.

Innocence became "not so innocent" when every traditional expression of nudity was eliminated from our United States culture. Same gender nudity was both accepted and encouraged by institutions like the YMCA, and Scouts until the anxiety of creating trauma in children became a theory that won out over other more rational reasons for it.
It took a while, but eventually every social norm that included nudity has been squashed.
Europeans seem to remain much better adjusted in this matter, but some tell me that the "American Influence" is moving into their cultures as well. My first exposure to the German nudist culture was in 1968 and I eventually realized it was less about nudism and more about the fact that children were not assumed to have any sexual conceptualization, so it was acceptable up to a certain age to ignore their personal proclivities.
I always felt that made a great deal of sense and in a naturist home it could be extended to any age.

As mentioned in other responses, there does seem to be a time or age when people begin to assimilate the idea that "Adults dont act like this"

That is the death knell for what you have called innocence. (at least in this culture)

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RE:At what age did the innocence become, not so innocent.

Not sure how but wish nudity could be view like in past when guys swam nude and men and women went skinny dipping. Really nice seeing the old pics that have been posted and seeing that being naked nothing be ashamed of and men left pubed and chest hair instead trying look pre puberty.

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RE:At what age did the innocence become, not so innocent.

I read these posts top to bottom. Thank you for sharing these stories they are great. I grew up in us in a conservative household but have always seen hints to they way life used to be. It was interesting to here mere from all your prospectives.

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RE:At what age did the innocence become, not so innocent.

After reading all these posts...I agree that somewhere along the lost its innocence. As a child of about 6 or so...I remember going to the local park and playing in the splash pool. We would wear some sort of bathing suit (boys & girls bottoms only as best I remember) and play for hours. When it was time to leave...everyone went to the car...stripped off the wet clothes and put on dry ones as you stood by the sidewalk. This was in the middle of the day on the second busiest street in town. I guess it would've been about '62 or '63...then it stopped. They later closed the pool & filled it with concrete. The park is still there today but the play pool is long gone...

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