Nude swimming lessons?

Does anyone know about taking nude swimming lessons for adults?

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RE:Nude swimming lessons?

Not recently.
It was standard at the YMCA and Boy Scout camp 50 years ago. Also in male only colleges.

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RE:Nude swimming lessons?

You can probably do it at one of the local nudist resorts, or find someone with a private pool. You will have to wait for summer.

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RE:Nude swimming lessons?

You do not need to wait till Summer that is if you are willing to take a drive. Penn Sylvan in Pa is a year round club with an indoor pool. They are affiliated with AANR so you should be able to get contact info through there. Call them before showing up to make sure the pool is open and if you will be alone. The indoor pool is only about 4 feet deep a good depth to work with to learn.

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RE:Nude swimming lessons?

Thank you very much! I will inquire.

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RE:Nude swimming lessons?

It is sad to read this because:

Until the 1960s or 70s many YMCAs offered nude swimming and lessons. Many boys previous to that time learned swimming nude.

Nude is the best way to learn to swim, because baggy trunks can impede learning.

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