Polo beach and little beach Hawaii

My wife and I finally made it to Hawaii after years of wanting to go. We went to little beach twice while on Maui and polo on Oahu once. We saw the sunset at polo and it was great. Only about 15 people on the beach at that time and a short easy walk from the road. Little beach is a little more of a trek but worth it. There had to be at least 150-200 people there. The first time the surf was a little rough but the second day it was better. A very nice older lady was out in the surf showing me how to go under the waves and not let the waves punish you. I have not been in the ocean much so I didnt know. It was great being there and we hated to leave. We both enjoyed ourselves and hope to some day get back.

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RE:Polo beach and little beach Hawaii

BOTH great beaches... but POLO sometimes has cops asking people to cover up or get ticketed (topless ok)

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RE:Polo beach and little beach Hawaii

BOTH great beaches... but POLO sometimes has cops asking people to cover up or get ticketed (topless ok)

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