Denver at MAR

Heading to Denver by Aug 17-21 for naked hikes at Mountain Air Ranch.
A nude resort with many trails. I know you have to pay to get in and spend the night but it's totally worth it (at least that's how it looks like and what I heard of)
No need to be looking around for other hikers who might walk by and take a weird look at you.

Will be nice to hike and camp with many men from all ages. It is a very good experience and a worthy stay.
I hope to see you there!

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RE:Denver at MAR

I would love to attend. We can finally meet. Let's chat closer in and makes plans!

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RE:Denver at MAR

I'd love to join as well, keep me/us posted!

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RE:Denver at MAR

Yeah man let me know closer be fun to go there again

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RE:Denver at MAR

Im sorry guys. I had to cancel the flight. Many things were on the way. I ll reschedule it though.
No one should be more dissapiointed than me. I am the one planning trips and have to cancel some of them for work and/or other important things.

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