UN-Dressed for Halloween

Today presents a great opportunity for all of us nudists to introduce friends to nudity in a fun and novel way. If invited to Halloween parties among friends, depending on your comfort level and friendships, why not a nudist theme for the day? In the past (when young and before I married) I've gone as Adam (who hasn't?) both before the Fall (zero clothing) and after the Fall (figleaf). Also as the Jolly Green Giant (leaves on a waistband), or a spinoff of Tarzan (loincloth). I was also a Construction Worker fantasy (Tool Belt, Hardhat and little else), and as a "Snake in the Grass" (which I'll describe in a future post.)

Anyone else in the Group have any fun naked or semi-naked costume ideas?

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RE:UN-Dressed for Halloween

I gone as Jason to a few parties.

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