PickleBall Tournament and Toga weekend Nov. 23-24

I've decided to move my weekend at Cypress to the weekend with the pickleball tournament. Planning to camp on Friday and Saturday nights.

I'm looking for a female partner for the Sunday mixed doubles. Let me know if interested.

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RE:PickleBall Tournament and Toga weekend Nov. 23-24

I've decided to move my weekend at Cypress to the weekend with the pickleball tournament. Planning to camp on Friday and Saturday nights.I'm looking for a female partner for the Sunday mixed doubles. Let me know if interested.Around what time are you going to be there?

I'm hoping to get to the resort around 9am on Friday and stay through to Sunday afternoon, weather permitting. Are you planning on going there?

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RE:PickleBall Tournament and Toga weekend Nov. 23-24

Was a fantastic weekend at the cove. Lots of pickleballers. Ended up winning the "B" Bracket (beginner and intermediate). Now they say I have to play in the "A" bracket next year. Not bad for someone that just started playing a couple of months ago. Do have a tennis background so that helps.

Did not get to play in the mixed doubles. There weren't any single ladies available. Just as well. Body was pretty beat from the Saturday tourney. Spent the day relaxing by the pool and hot tub until I had to come home.

weather was sunny and around 80 Friday and Saturday and mid-70's and sunny on Sunday until I had to leave at 1ish. Rain came through Sunday morning around 3am but I had packed up my tent and slept in the van so no worries.

Met a lot of nice people too! Can't wait to go back.

And I must say I don't think I've ever been as clean as I am when down there. Must have taken at least 15 showers in those two and a half days.

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