Michigan .

Been lucky to have found a section of beach along Lake Michigan where I can lay out naked during the summer . But have to always
be aware of others who may be walking down the shoreline . And cover up immediately before they're even aware of me being naked . So many are raised by society to view any kind of nudity , and seeing another person naked , as a horrible crime punishable with tickets for Indecent Exposure , or worse . And the cops and courts go along with this view . Nudity is outlawed by state law here in Michigan . Any kind of nudity . If you can be seen naked by someone , any time of day or night , you're guilty . And be retrained by forced visits with a psychiatrist every week to remove this idea that you might enjoy being naked . Unless you are at , or visiting , one of the 3 known nudist resorts in the state . If there are even 3 anymore .

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