Membership who what why!

If you're already a member of truenudist (and I presume you are if you're reading this). We are already considering you a member, if you need directions to the club send a friend request to the moderator profile on the bottom of this page. The profile description list directions and contacts.

The only exception would be profiles that look hokey or fake.

Profiles are automatically accepted if they are certified.

Profiles are automatically accepted if you have a full nude with a face shot.

Profiles with only a face shot may or may not be accepted it just depends on profile information and previous communication.

We have accepted a few profiles with no picture or only obscured pictures without details. That's merely dependent on genders ages and our previous communication with that person.

From there you need only determine what membership fee structure best suits your needs, depending on annual membership day pass or a combination of both etc. Members will also be required to sign a liability waiver. those will probably be available online as well as in person at the club. (As soon as we know will let you know)

We're in the process of developing the fee structure, and I will post those on this page when we have a rough draft, (and hopefully you guys will have additional ideas and input)

We will build a donation drop box at the Club site we will also provide a PO Box for those wishing to mail payments.

We will also post an outline of the expenses and time involved so far, not surprisingly if membership turnout was 100 times greater than expected it still wouldn't come close to covering the expenses. But the first goals were to promote nudism and have fun, and so far that's been an overwhelming success.

Until now wait for warmer weather, or get naked and show up with snow boots.

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RE:Membership who what why!

Thank you. I look forward to seeing the place this summer.

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