Christ is risen

Happy Easter everyone. Christ is risen, Hallelujah.

Stay nude as God made us and stay safe, pray that the pandemic is defeated.

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RE:Christ is risen

Happy Easter everyone. Christ is risen, Hallelujah.

Stay nude as God made us and stay safe, pray that the pandemic is defeated.

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RE:Christ is risen

Una Buona Pasqua a tutti gli amici di TN, state al sicuro ci saranno tempi migliori! Greetings from Italy

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RE:Christ is risen

He is risen, indeed. May the peace of our savior be with us all during the coming times.

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RE:Christ is risen

He risen indeed!!!

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RE:Christ is risen

. The head of the new world will be the anti christ. Thank goodness for the bible and the book of revelations.

People tend to read their own worldview into Revelation. That's the handy thing about prophecy: unless the prophet gives a specific timeline, like Daniel with his seventy weeks, it is always possible to see a prophecy being fulfilled at any given moment.

There is no good reason to doubt that there is a pandemic. We have had several pandemics already: some people are old enough to remember the Spanish flu; there is still AIDS ongoing; H1N1 would have been a lot worse without vaccines; and there will be other pandemics after this one, too.

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