Members Removed

In going through the group, I have found several members, who after being approved changed their profiles. They have deleted all their photos, changed their profile to "for friends only" or changed their profile to "private". They all have been removed from the group. The requirements to join these groups are to keep the groups for actual true nudists and not for some that cannot be trusted and have to change their profiles once approved.

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RE:Members Removed

Keep them straight. We appreciate it.

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RE:Members Removed

I just did the same thing to all my groups. Where as the moderator of this group has certain photo requirements, I have more a requirement of participation in communication via topics of discussion. Pictures are fine but you find out where are person's head really is by what they type in response posts or topics started. I also do a bit of screening to see what groups they join and they types of pictures they post and share. I look at their profile to see how much of it they have filled out and when I open a profile and I see someone that has been here for months and years and has nothing in their "About Me" section, it's an automatic denial to join my groups.. The real nudists will applaud and support you!

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RE:Members Removed

In going through the group, I have found several members, who after being approved changed their profiles.

Some nudists hide behind a restricted profile because they have a sensitive job. They fear being sacked if found to be a nudist. But we don't have that problem, being retired.

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RE:Members Removed

I can totally understand that some need to be more cautious than others. But that does not preclude them from becoming certified.

If I encounter a restricted profile of a member who is not certified, I immediately block that person for my own safety.


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