Enjoy it when possible .

I am fortunate to have found a trail to the beach that is really not used much . After getting on this trail , an offshoot from the main Beach Trail leading from the parking lot to the beach , I am able to wrap my XL T-shirt half-way up my chest , drop my shorts and be completely naked below , and still walk this trail to the beach . If I see anyone ahead who can see me , I will drop the shirt down to cover everything . Keeps everyone happy . Shows respect to others who would otherwise be really bothered and averse to seeing a 1/2 naked man walking the same trail as they are . Shows respect to both men and women . But as soon as anyone is beyond seeing me naked , I wrap the shirt back up around my water bottle strap . Helps having trees and foliage to help block any views of me that
way , along the trail . Allows me to drop the shirt before they are even aware of me being naked . For the most part .

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