Confidence and attractiveness

If you read most self-help books today dealing with success: "how to get the boy/girl", "how to get your dream job", "how to achieve pretty much anything in life", etc... confidence is often cited as the main ingredient. In short, to achieve success, you have to make yourself attractive; and to be more attractive you have to be confident. At least in our modern western society; that's the common belief.

Then you have one of the main nudist tenets, which purports that "attraction" is not really a thing; as nudists (theoretically) adopt a non-judgmental, "sanitized" and undifferentiated approach to seeing and being seen nude.
So if confidence is deemed attractive; yet being attractive is (theoretically) not a thing in nudism; how does that work and how is there not a paradox there?

Well. In my opinion attractiveness is more than just how "physically pleasant to the eye" someone is. There is also a behavioral component; which oftentimes will be more important than the physical aspect. Confidence is first and foremost an attitude. And that attitude will differentiate the person who is standing in front of the pool confidently and comfortably chatting with another nudist in plain view of everyone else; and the quiet partially covered/modest person sitting in the back of the pool area trying to not get too noticed. The first person is naturally going to draw more attention. Yet I personally don't see a paradox there.

But what if the person is confident but also (man or woman) happens to be "physically pleasant to the eye?" Well, it may be a bit more paradoxal then. But it need not be. My wife is fairly aware of the attention she gets when she's in "full confident mode", being open and dynamic while naked at nudist venues and engaged in activities. People have voiced their appreciation/admiration of her confidence; and the appreciation has extended to her "physical attractiveness"; which has not bothered her at all due to the respect placed behind it.
This "dynamic" was even more productive with my first wife, who entered the nudist world with low body-acceptance. She actually embraced compliments/comments on her physical attractiveness from nudist friends; which in turn provided her with a boost in confidence that would ultimately lead her seeking to help and inspire other women to become confident with nudity themselves.
Does that create a "paradox" as far as the philosophy of nudism; which implicitly professes a lack of "judgement of other people's nudity?" Perhaps it does...


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RE:Confidence and attractiveness

Nudony that was a well thought out post I might say. All I can get that so introspective about is solid state HVAC equipment electronics which will bore the teeth out of a person to read about. Unequivocally I married over my head but luck for lack of a better term to a humble soul who chose me who could have her pick. I'll take it and never lost sight of my gratefulness for that or took a day for granite. (I hope)

We had a club friend fly in over the weekend and our house is hers of course. Other club friends traveled here to visit her here. There was a vibe I cant explain perhaps because I am a neanderthal I was the only one naked after a period of time. Luann after an hour or so went and got undressed and walked into the room. What a sudden change in the room aura. She stayed that way all weekend no matter who was dressed or not.

When she presents confidence like that even though she is a shy conservative soul by nature it reinforces my initial impression 20+ yrs a go belief she is the most impressive person I have ever known.

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