FFXIV Gamers?!

Hey peoples. So just doing a quick shout out to see if I have any fellow PS4(5) or PC FFXIV gamers out there.

Come in, represent with your world/DC or if you're on Gilgamesh, come say hey. I'm Akujin Aetheoryn and if you happen to be needing a home in world, we're recruiting!

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RE:FFXIV Gamers?!

The only hassle I see is catching up on story before Shadowbringers then it's great and keeps interest. Otherwise with queues there shouldn't be much worry since it is old content now. There is also newgame+ to do the main story of expansions again for fun which I redid Heavensward alongside a friend who was doing it the first time so we'd be in sync and they didn't feel alone pushing through story. Plus Shadowbringers is great compared to the other expansions IMO. I'm on Adamantoise but need to resub soon since it's been a while.

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