Foot size = penis size

Does anyone believe that there is truth in the 'old wive's tale' that the size of your feet is the same size as your penis (if you're a man, obviously)?

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RE: Foot size = penis size

I have a friend who believes there's a correlation between having a 'roman toe' (second toe longer than the big toe) and the length of a man's penis. I've seen examples which disprove this both ways.

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RE: Foot size = penis size

My second toes are longer than my big toes.

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RE: Mostly true

I'm not sure what you mean by 'thick feet'?

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RE: Mostly true

Do thick feet = thick penis?

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RE: Mostly true

Are there any guys out there with massive feet but, tiny penises?

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RE: Mostly true

And those are the ones that catch my attention but I am perhaps an exception to the rule lol

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