First complete nudity in physiotherapist

I was still very young and not naturist.A scoliosis made me do sessions in a physiotherapy masseur. After a first session where I had to scare away my fears, it becomes a habit to put me in my underwear for the exercises led by a nice woman who could have been my mother

Then one day, she invited me, after a shorter session, to go back behind the screen that served as a cloakroom, to take off my underwear. A phone call in another room forced him to leave for a few minutes. I was frozen in shame.When she came back, she said to me, "Im used to seeing naked people for examination, dont worry and everything will go smoothly." So I took off my underwear and I appeared naked in front of her humiliated but not hiding anything from my anatomy.She smiled at me and said, "Well, its no more complicated than that" with a reassuring voicetShe took a kind of marker to mark my spine and tell me;" dont worry, it will leave immediately in the shower". I had to lower my head and then bend my back to bring out this spinal column and she did not hesitate to spread out my buttocks a little with one hand to better reach my coccyx.At this stage of the examination, I had lost all apprehension and had regained my peace of mind.
She put me behind a graduated and transparent window to see at what stage we were at.Finally, in front of her, she made me take several standing positions always naked from the front, in profile, from the back joined legs, spread legs..
. Then she thanked me and sent me to put on my clothes, which I did without haste with a certain relief but also a kind of innate pleasure to have found myself naked in the presence of a third person.

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RE:First complete nudity

Thanks for sharing your story. And thanks for unashamedly being nude

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