Leesons Learned From Elsewhere

The LGTBQ community had made significant strides over the past 20 or so years in normalizing their community. Granted, there still is quite a bit to go. When it comes to normalizing nudity, there are lessons to be had from the LGTBQ movement. One I can think of is that big strides were made when gay men and women started coming out of the closet in larger and larger numbers. I could be wrong about this, but most nudists are pretty quiet about their pursuit. There are exceptions of course mostly those that are die-hard into it as a lifestyle. There are many points of discussion associated with this topic, but here is a question to start it off. If you were (or are) completely open about your distaste for clothing, do you think that you might be surprised by how many people you know would say, me (us) too?

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RE:Leesons Learned From Elsewhere

The LGTBQ community had made significant strides over the past 20 or so years in normalizing their community. Granted, there still is quite a bit to go. When it comes to normalizing nudity, there are lessons to be had from the LGTBQ movement. One I can think of is that big strides were made when gay men and women started coming out of the closet in larger and larger numbers. I could be wrong about this, but most nudists are pretty quiet about their pursuit. There are exceptions of course mostly those that are die-hard into it as a lifestyle. There are many points of discussion associated with this topic, but here is a question to start it off. If you were (or are) completely open about your distaste for clothing, do you think that you might be surprised by how many people you know would say, me (us) too?

Home nudity quite a few. Public nudity close to none.

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