RE:Do you advertise?

I have actually been thinking about getting a sticker to put on my truck, then how to explain the sticker to my non nude wife. Any one else who asks about it would be a simple thing plus it would open up to others that know what it means.

I had my Jeep washed and came home with the intention of putting the sticker on but got distracted with a few things and then went out again and it rained and hasn't stopped raining until yesterday! I'll have to clean the rear windshield and get it on today.

I haven't paid much attention, while driving around town or while in parking lots but maybe it's like when you buy a new car. You never notice how many people drive the same car you do until you buy one. Maybe, after I put the sticker on, I'll notice others.

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RE:Do you advertise?

All my adult life I have been a nudist, I have told medical people that I am a nudist, like when having a procedure requiring wearing a gown or such. Most are interested but nothing more. I have told people on all of my jobs that I am a nudist, even when I worked as a cashier in grocery stores.
I have not gone the sticker route, mostly because I don't really go for putting stickers on my cars. I'm more prone to post NRA or pro firearm ownership stickers than anything. Again the issue is freedom, I love having the ability to protect myself and enjoy shooting.
Being a nudist is neither moral nor immoral, it's just a matter of personal freedom. I hate wearing clothing.

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