An excited newbie here

I'm 27, from Chennai India.
I have been a lone nudist for a very long time. Recently discovered about those website and looking for fellow nudists to join together and have a conversation. To hangout and live a lifestyle.

I don't hav any bar to age, sex , orientation, colour etc. Open to all.
Hope I'll find some like minded ones.
My tele is in my profile. You can ping me anytime.

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RE:An excited newbie here

Hey buddy.welcome to true nudists.nice to connect with you.hope to be in touch and meet up soon.nude hugs

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RE:An excited newbie here

Welcome here Dude! Ping me whenever you are in town! We shall meet up!

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RE:An excited newbie here

Truly looking forward for such meets sir.

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RE:An excited newbie here

Really excited to find a community with so many members in here.. wish this virtual community will turn into real ones soon. And we can host a meet-up

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RE:An excited newbie here

Hey there! welcome :) feel free to ping anytime.

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RE:An excited newbie here

hi.. nice to see the nudist. pls share your thoughts on whatsapp 8489326127

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