From the life story of one of the veterans of the former SA...

Service in the Air Force 76-96 years, 20 years in one place, no more than 10 business trips during the entire service. 4 years - pilot-instructor of the initial training period, the rest of the service time - flight management. He retired at the age of 39. The initial pension is 51% of the full one with an addition of 2% each year, which is eaten up by inflation and the periodic increase in the cost of living standards (increase in prices for all vital indicators). He waited three months for his pension certificate, until he gave the relevant officials a "tip" (0.5 liter bottle of vodka). The certificate for the purchase of housing was waiting for 8 years, instead of 3 months, according to the country's legislation. I have no higher civil education. In retirement, for some time he worked as a simple security guard in the security structures of various industrial enterprises. Basically, military pensioners are not particularly popular with the civilian population, including the heads themselves and the heads of various departments of those enterprises where military pensioners work. The people and the army are united - nothing more than a myth, as long as you ensure their relative well-being in the country with your lives. And behind your backs and under a peaceful sky, young criminal structures are growing (learning relevant experience in such cases from older ones), who will try to deprive you of your relative financial well-being and your only home. Or they will secretly use your personal household property and communications for their own selfish purposes. They especially love, having united in a group, to act, creating an aura of schizophrenia, against lonely pensioners who, due to their age, are no longer able to provide a worthy rebuff, who do not have children or other relatives living nearby in the same area. Every year, elderly and older people disappear without a trace in the country. Pilots, do you remember your first teachers, who gave you the coveted ticket to the sky? Who taught you to lift your bodies up to master the heavenly expanse of this endless blue air ocean? Always remember and do not forget them. Because the time will come for each of us when the soul itself and without an instructor will go to heaven on its last farewell flight. The only consolation is that we will already have some "aviation" experience for such a flight ...

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