Where to begin?

The best yoga pose to start with when starting yoga is childs pose, Balasana. For many, this pose is very accessible. For others, it can be a challenge. For any yoga, its better to warm up first. This could be yoga movement but could also be walking or after working out. Ive included a picture. Sit on your knees at the back of your mat with big toes together and knees wide. Drape your body forward to the ground and sink your hips to heels. If your head doesnt completely rest on the ground, lay on stacked hands or fists, block, pillow, or bolster. Arms can be relaxed, wrapped back around toward your feet, or active and extended. The biggest part is breathing. We usually say breathe in your belly but that is not easy while folded. Instead, breathe into the back between the hips and ribs. That is the main focus of the pose. It is for spinal decompression. Super awesome for back pain.
I challenge you to post your picture of child pose!

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RE:Where to begin?

Well I try it today and it was really nice!

Awesome job man! Its such an amazing feeling

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