Appreciation of true nudity.

I really did not know what I was missing in life until I bought6 acres of land that is selcuded . I can get up in the morning nude do whatever I wish all day nude. Do not worry about a noisy neighbors . This is what being one with nature is all about. I'm very seldom clothed when I'm here and it feels better every day.
Nudism is not about sex. It is about your personal freedom. I hope to push the boundary by find a nude beach or a nude gathering To go to. I can't explain how I love being nude on my own place. Iit just feels natural.

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RE:Appreciation of true nudity.

It's great that you can have a home on six acres where you can go nude. I wish I had a similiar situation.

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RE:Appreciation of true nudity.

Like you I have 7 acres and love going bare outside in nature as God created us. I have not gotten any complaints from neighbors because most neighbors are not living nearby. I love being nude the sun feels so great on my skin as the air and breeze cools it at the same time.

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