Pull-ups are the Queen

Yes I still believe Squats are the King of exercises. Pull-ups are the corollary. Are pull-ups as necessary in life? Will you be disfunctional without them? Not at all. But they fill a big hole in fitness.
Why do I say this? A revered lady yoga teacher who can do the most amazing strength poses and handstands revealed the gap in her practice. She couldnt do a single pull-up.
For this reason, I tell my yoga students to do yoga, but add a pulling activity to fill this massive gap in fitness. I believe yoga can cover every muscle group except pulling. A few of my students do rock climbing or indoor bouldering. Its the perfect compliment.
The Truth be told, many may never do a pull-up and that is quite alright. Do lat pull-downs on a cable machine. Or play with pole dancing. I have a huge respect for pole dancers. I have a pole and I have never attained the grip and lat strength of pole dancers. This is why the Queen of fitness is the pull-up. Learning butterfly kipping also works my biceps more than any curling motion. Imagine doing 50-100 barbell curls with your bodyweight. It sounds impossible. Thats the value of pull-ups.
Share your pull-up here.

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RE:Pull-ups are the Queen

Hello, I am a nudist into fitness and yoga, do you know of any skype group or other platform to do nude yoga together?

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