Tree for Balance

The quintessential balance pose in yoga is tree pose, vrksasana. With any balance pose, I tell my students that drishti is the key. Drishti is where you focus your gaze. In Ashtanga yoga, every pose has its own drishti. The drishti for tree pose is technically over your nose, nasagra drishti. In reality you are looking at a stable point like the floor, wall, or ceiling. You cant look at another student or the teacher because movement will throw you off. Its why doing balance poses near water or trees in the wind is so difficult. Your balance is greatly affected. Whether true or not, we tell students to not put their foot on their knee lest they create side pressure that can hurt the knee. Beginners tend to do that all the time. Instead put your foot on the thigh or on the calf if you are not as flexible.
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