Are you into Rebounding

Haha, no its not breaking up with someone and jumping to another person, though I suppose that is a definition. I'm talking about those mini trampolines for exercise. I have one in my office and jump on it when my Garmin watch periodically tells me to move. It usually takes about 200 jumps to clear my notification, which seems to be perfect.
There was a 2016 study that said rebounding is equal for the same time duration to running 6 miles per hour, biking, and playing sports like football, basketball, or ultimate Frisbee.
I was a long distance runner all my life with about 15 years of ultramarathoning until more recently. Meniscus tears in my knees prevents me from running anymore, but I am a backpacker. Rebounding doesn't bother my knees one bit. There is also a balance component. And bouncing with bare feet strengthens all those amazing muscles in your feet. It doesn't create much sound, so it works in my office and I could probably watch TV without much problem. It is cheap, transportable, and a good amount of fun. Give it a try!

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