A thought from the Bible: Get to Know the Lord through Moses Life (Part One) God knows you can!

Good day. I'd love to share some thoughts from the Bible on a regular basis if you'd like.

A low self-image is not pleasing to the Lord. In the midst of Pauls horrible circumstances, he said I can do all things through Him who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13) and In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37).

We are all gifted in some way and the Lord has called each of us to serve where we are. I have been a naturist all my life, but it took some time and prompting from the Lord to get it into my mind that He needs people to serve among the naturists as well.

The Lord also once needed to reprimand me that He gave me the gifts I have to be used to the benefit of His Kingdom, for I used to stand back for others and then the Lord wasnt able to accomplish through me what He wanted to. From the moment were born the devil steps in and makes use of people to break us down. Thoughtless people say and do things that crush us. Parents handle their kids wrongly and through all these experiences that happen regularly in our lives, we feel inferior about ourselves. These feelings cause us to feel unworthy when the Lord calls on us to do something. Were all gifted and the Lord will press our button when He needs us.

He did press on Moses button. He prepared Moses long before He called him though. When the Egyptians killed all the Hebrew boys (Exodus 1:22), He arranged for Moses to be adopted by the Egyptian princess, who raised him in the palace (Exodus 2:1-10). There he learned the ways of Pharaoh, knowledge which he would have needed in the future when he was to be the instrument to fulfil Gods plan. For many years he went through lifes training and learned his lessons the hard way, just as all of us do and, when the Lord considered him ready, He called him.

The Lord saw something in Moses, even before he was born, which He knew would work perfectly for this purpose to which Moses was called. The Lord also saw something in you, which would be perfect for a purpose Hed like to use you in. Each of His called ones has a purpose for which they were called; a purpose only you can accomplish. For example, I know someone who learned the hard way to forgive. Now the Lord uses that person to show people, who cross their way, to live in forgiveness. It doesnt matter who wronged, as long as the matter is resolved. The guilty one will learn from it. This in itself shows love a godly principle.

Maybe the Lord wants to use you in similar ways.

Once the Lord had prepared Moses, He called him. In Exodus 3:2-9 the Lord spelt out His concern. His people suffered under Pharaoh and the Lord needed someone to help solve the situation, to deliver His people from the Egyptians. Then He dropped the bombshell. Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt (Exodus 3:10).

I can imagine Moses gasping, staring incomprehensibly at the Angel of the Lord who manifested His glory in this bush, giving it an appearance of being alight.

So, how did Moses respond? Did he say, Oh yeah, Lord, lets go and sort them out? Lets see it in the next message.

Lord, thank you for calling me. Please lead me to my purpose.

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RE:A thought from the Bible: Get to Know the Lord through Moses Life (Part One) God knows you can!

Thank you for your post; it was an insightful read. Indeed, the Lord does have a use for all of us but sometimes I think we all miss it. As I believe we are all meandering, more or less, through life, it is good to at least head as we are able and assist where the opportunity exists. Not as concise as yours but of a similar vein.

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RE:A thought from the Bible: Get to Know the Lord through Moses Life (Part One) God knows you can!

Hi John, I think all the Lord wants from us is availability, and seeking opportunities. As I meet people along the way, I enjoy getting into friendly conversations and talking about whatever topic. During the conversation I make a point to draw attention to the Lord, glorifying His name by giving Him credit where necessary, as led by the Holy Spirit. That way I sow seeds into their lives. The Lord once showed me that, if you want to buy something expensive like a car, you're not going to walk into a dealer and buy any car. You're going to first get to know the car you're interested in. In the same way, people are not going to accept the Lord's salvation message without knowing more about Him. That's why, if someone leads somebody to the Lord, he was just the person the Lord chose to pick the fruit. Throughout the new convert's life, people, like you and me, dropped seeds of knowledge of who God is, into their life to prepare them for when they would be born again. Just be casual about it and let the Holy Spirit take the lead. Also, check what comes naturally for you from the gifts in Romans 12:6-8. I, for instance, am good at and motivated for prophetic teaching and exhortation, but am not good at things like being generous with money or serving. The Lord planned his Kingdom very cleverly so that everybody, who believes, can contribute. Find your gift and act within it. It's like a talent - it becomes effortless.

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