Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

... don't compulsively hit Add (OK, it may sometimes work, who knows, one of the mod may slip a finger on Accept), but rather contact (nicely) a mod...

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

It's so easy to hit add without reading the fine print. (I'm sure this is the only website where that happens, however.) This is one group where a polite knock at the door is required - and worth it.

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

Keep up the good work with paring the membership roll. Numbers for the sake of numbers only works with taxation . . . LOL. Fewer better folks beats any other option every time. Thank you for your continuing efforts with ENL.

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

I have been dropped fron ENL. I'm very curious as to why? I have been respectful. I've commented on several of the ladies. I did not comment on any post however I'm not the kind of person who talks to hear himself talk.

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

I have been dropped fron ENL. I'm very curious as to why? I have been respectful. I've commented on several of the ladies. I did not comment on any post however I'm not the kind of person who talks to hear himself talk.

That's very simple and valid for all. Three weeks of lack of participation. There is no obligation to comment on posts, merely regularly (that's once a week, not once a month) commenting on ladies' pics suffices, but believing that those who do comment like to hear themselves talk is not something which makes one a very valued member of a club where people are supposed to like to participate, get involved, get to know each other... This group is not the Amsterdam red light district and we don't show ourselves naked behind the glass windows every day in the hope of squeezing a comment out of you once a month.

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

Our attentive guards at the gates are doing well right now. So many other groups have been getting 'catfish' posts lately.

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

Our attentive guards at the gates are doing well right now. So many other groups have been getting 'catfish' posts lately.

Numbers of our group members is small, but still many are totally inactive in the group, never like a pic, never join the discussions simply have nothing to say, you wonder if they ever even click on the group link, or maybe forget they are members of the best group on TN.

When i see a new member join, often ill send a "welcome to the group, hope you enjoy" message... think it's nice to be welcomed... one lovely couple blocked me for welcoming them here... how nice is that?

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

I agree with you on saying hello; I will do it on occasion but not like I should. And the number of *females* joining groups, saying hello, looking for an honest man & leaving a Google address is truly troubling. Worse yet, the length of time that same post remains on the group is even more disturbing. Is anyone minding the fort these days? I dont understand . . . .

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

None of the pro mods reads the topics and we poor voluntary mods can't delete posts we didn't create. We can eventually delete whole topics, but only if we have created them ourselves.

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

None of the pro mods reads the topics and we poor voluntary mods can't delete posts we didn't create. We can eventually delete whole topics, but only if we have created them ourselves.

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RE:Guys, if you have been let out of ENL...

For those who wonder...... Although small, this group has been my favorite. Stimulating conversation and topics by people who care. This one has been the best of the six other groups I follow, but you have to contribute. Otherwise, you are not required! We like our participation and choose to participate and get to know one another.

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