Five a sides

I used to regularly play 5 a sides football. Enjoyable exercise and great fun miss it a lot since I had to hang up my boots.
One of the best aspects was the male bonding in the changing rooms, with a a room full of naked guys showering after the games. none of the guys I played with had any reluctance stripping off and using the communal showers --- borrowing shower gel if we forgot our own.
There is something special about sharing naked time with mates - in the shower and afterwards drying off. I don't recall anyone trying to hide behind their towel -- all comfortable being naked around each other just as we should be.

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RE:Five a sides

I play badminton with mates and same vibe in the changing rooms - I love it

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RE:Five a sides

And all checking each other out I am sure. I certainly did, and did notice, more than once a mate definitely checking out my dangling cock, lol

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RE:Five a sides

I think most guys will look at the competition. Its something we all do, not necessarily in a sexual way, but just to see how we compare. In my experience height isnt related to size and Ive seen a few which surprised me!

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RE:Five a sides

I think most guys will look at the competition. Its something we all do, not necessarily in a sexual way, but just to see how we compare. In my experience height isnt related to size and Ive seen a few which surprised me!

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RE:Five a sides

I used to play on a Monday night, for fun and after the game everyone would go off home but i always went into the leisure centre for a shower. I loved being naked, around others. It was more of a highlight than actually playing football

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