
Most hardware stores sell stainless steel and rubber O rings for various purposes. So he is just as likely to buy one himself. But Dad should either go and buy one or allow you to do so. Get him a silicone one so he can find the right fit. Good on you and Dad for being open with your nephew.

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If you get approval from his Dad and Mum and they know that he wants a cock ring I say go ahead

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I say if his dad is OK with it, it should be a non issue. A thing for dad to consider if he is leaning to a "no", boys that age will find a way which can lead to using something too small and hard to remove leading to physical harm. 14 is too young to be one of those highly embarrassing ER stories. If dad goes with the no, he needs to explain to his son why and the risks that going behind his back can cause his body.

Good luck and good job on you and his dad for showing your nephew positive body image behavior.

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I don't see anything wrong with him trying out a cock ring or any other way he'd like to decorate or present himself. And it's nice that he has supportive people in his life to help him out and make sure he's safe and comfortable. That's perfect, really.

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You should be grateful that he made you part of the decision. We all know that boys will be boys and girls will be girls which is to say at that age everyone is fascinated by their body changes and boys absolutely experiment with their penis regularly. Your nephew has seen yours and ascertained that it is a cool thing because you are an adult and family too; combining that with the knowledge that it is something he can also enjoy makes for a compelling interest. Helping him get the one that is optimal for his developing penis is truly important plus ensuring he understands that as his body continues to develop the ring he experiments with now will be obsolete and need to be discarded/replaced in time.

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I think its fine. Prefer steel myself but have leather , rubber and even carbon fibre. Even made one out of paracord which clicks together behind my balls. Looks best on a fully shaved cck I think.

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So, the outstanding question is did you allow him and go get some for him?

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Where do you find a silicone one?

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Where do you find a silicone one?

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