Nude sailtrip USVI Late April

I"ll be renting a cat in the USVI April 27 or 28th for a week and have 3 rooms available.
anyone interested in a nude sailing trip on a 40-45' catamaran in the US Virgin Islands April 27 or 28 start date for a week? Sailing to culebra and vieques and St.John on the itinerary . Cost is about $1200 per person, share cabin. plus food and drink.

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RE:Nude sailtrip USVI Late April

Soooo sorry I wasn't keeping up with the group to have seen this opportunity.
If anyone is planning something similar, let me know.

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RE:Nude sailtrip USVI Late April

I would love that!

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RE:Nude sailtrip USVI Late April

Id be interested in the next one

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