Nude morning chores in the country

As has been mentioned many times before, theres always something to do in the country. Unless youre among the idle rich, having your own patch of dirt (property for well heeled), comes with a vast assortment of things to check, adjust, clean or feed each day. For me, it starts with making coffee & tea, looking at the news & TN and starting the rounds. Yep, rounds, like walking around the stuff on / in your dirt that makes all the irritation worth it. For me, it involves feeding three dogs with a combined weight of 375 lbs; we buy 150 lbs of dog food per month. Tractor Supply even delivers it!! And shortly thereafter, the same residue from the dogs fills up a 5 gallon bucket about every two weeks, not to mention our 10 gallons of water buckets. Our grass in the corner is very green. Next comes looking at & watering the 7 blueberry bushes & varied apple, fig, peach, olive & citrus trees / bushes. It just takes a moment unless the watering system is not sprinkling, then it doesnt. After that, the checking of onions, tomatoes, peppers, egg plants and zucchini. The bugs seem to really like our stuff . . . arghhhhhh. Any idea how many different types of bug poison are in my shop? And again, the veggie watering system is separate from the trees. Then theres keeping the mower & Mule functional, more skinned knuckles there than anywhere. Almost lastly, theres keeping the critters & debris out of the pool. Thats another homeowner adventure, especially after storms. Then theres the house & pond. Theyre normally very easy except when theyre not! LOL. So there it is, or at least, most of it for you folks longing for the country life. Sometimes its challenging & sometimes its a pain a n d I wouldnt change it for anything.

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