Traffic this weekend?

Was wondering if anyone made it to Gunnison this weekend. Iread elsewherethat the traffic backup to exit the park was over two hours in the afternoon. Was hoping to find out what the deal was. Hopefully that wasn't sign of what to expect this summer. cause nothing ruins a beautiful day at the beach more than sitting in traffic trying to get home.

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Re: Traffic this weekend

I didn't go to Gunnison this weekend for the reason that you pointed out. Instead I went today (Monday), when delay wasn't too bad. The traffic jam getting home is another reason not to go on weekends in the summer.
Because Gunnison is far from entrance, it would be worse. The textilers at the beaches nearer the entrance likely were busting into the line of traffic, causing those further back to wait longer.

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RE: Traffic this weekend?

Iwent to Gunnison last sunday. It took me 90 minutes to get off the beach and onto Route 36. Itsucked. I was talking with a friend who was saying that if you plan on going to Gunnison, bring an extra cooler with dinner in it and plan on staying the day. After what I went through last Sunday and the fact that the beach was only 1/2 full, I think it's a good idea. The bridge just SUCKS!

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